Free recharge hack

i hope you all are fine . you know that sometimes we have some personal data in ur mobile phone. and we want secure all personal data in mobile without using any software. so today m sharing a very useful guys follow the given below steps for do this.
Requirment - Your mobile phone should support Java Which Almostall Mobile Phone Support.
1. First you create any folder
2. Now give that folder any name but with the extension of . jad like if I want to hide my games folder then I will give name as games.jad
3. Now you have to create a newfolder in the same directory and with the same name but with theextension of .jar
4. Here, I will create a new folder with the name games.jar
5. So Now You are done!! The original games folder has been hidden and now the folder visible is games.jar which is an empty folder. To view games folder thatis to see our protected data,we need to remove the .jar extension from the games.jar and my original folder with my protected files and .jad extensionwill be visible.
So, now we have learnt to save our personal data from unwantedeyes!!!
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